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2022 Freshmen Enrollment of SWJTU-Leeds Joint School
Date:2022-08-29   Edited By:ASO

On August 25, students of Class 2026 enrolled in the SWJTU-Leeds Joint School. Chaired by Jiuwen Jiang, CPC Secretary General of the Joint School, the parent-teacher conference of 2022 freshmen was held successfully via Tencent Meeting on August 26, in which the leaders, directors, freshmen fudaoyuan of the Joint School and all parents of freshmen attended. Zhongmin Jin, Dean of the Joint School, Tao Huang, Vice Dean of the School, and Duo Zhao, CPC Deputy Secretary General provided general introductions to the participants on the School, teaching management and student management respectively at the meeting.

The Joint School released its enrollment quota for 22 provinces and cities nationwide in 2022, with 307 students enrolled among 320 undergraduates admitted, achieving an enrollment rate of 95.94%. Compared with the enrollment and student quality from provinces and cities in the past seven years, the enrollment scale and student quality of the Joint School have steadily improved, and the gap between the admission score of the university and the admission score for the Joint School has also decreased year by year. From 2016 to 2022, the number of provinces and cities suitable for enrollment has increased from 12 to 22. Before, the first admission score of the Joint School was 41 higher than the average admission score of key universities. Now, the difference between the admission score of the Joint School and the admission score of key universities has increased to 104.