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TAs Training for 2023-2024 Academic Year Held
Date:2023-09-09   Edited By:ASO

The training for teaching assistants (TAs) in the 2023-2024 academic year was successfully held in X30519 on September7-8, aiming to improve the TAs’ work ability and enhance theteaching quality.


Jiang Jiuwen, Party Secretary of the Joint School, gave a detailed introduction to the “TAFSS” support system ofthe Joint School. Evaluating highly the contribution of TAs to the Joint School, he encouraged all TAs to have an even stronger sense of responsibility and mission, actively participate in the student educationand perform their duty of teaching assistance while seeking self-improvement.


Zhao Duo, deputy dean of the Joint School, gave a detailed introduction to the Joint School, progarmme specifications, teaching features, and faculty profiles. He interpreted the “Regulations on the Management of Teaching Assistants of the SWJTU-Leeds Joint School” and clarified the job responsibilities and management norms of TAs. He also emphasized that TAs should consciously strengthen their professional ethics and strictly abide by the code of ethics.


In the session of professional training, Dariusz Wanatowski, pro-dean of the Joint School, led a two-part training session on how to conductmodule evaluations, experiment guidance andother related work.

By Victoria ZHANG