On 11th October, the 2nd EMI (English as a Media of Instruction) salon for Electronic and Electrical Engineering Programme (EE) was held in X30519. Joanne Shiel, director and SHEN Yixin, deputy director of Year One, QIN Feng, teacher of English for Engineering and more than 20 module co-leaders attended the salon. The salon was chaired by ZHAO Duo, deputy dean of the Joint School.

The salon began with SUN Pengfei’s sharing his teaching in English of the module Microprocessors and Programmable Logic. Then, GUO Yujun demonstrated how he taught the module of Integrated Circuit Design. TANG Peng summarized his teaching of the module Algorithms and Numerical Mathematics and techniques in the experimental class.

The guests gave their opinions on effective English language expression, interaction during teaching, etc. The attendees conducted an in-depth discussion on how to execute all-English teaching strategies that would assist students to better comprehend and master the content of their modules.

By Victoria ZHANG