On 13th October, SWJTU-Leeds Joint School received a letter from the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) informing that the Civil Engineering (CE) programme has passed the recognition of the said institution. This recognition highly commends the quality and level of teaching in the China-foreign cooperation education of civil engineering and testified to the professional strength of the Joint School. Additionally, it will provide a solid guarantee for graduates to obtain international industry qualification and participate in international competition.

JBM is one of the four professional certification bodies in the field of civil engineering in UK, jointly composed of five professional organizations: the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), and the UK Permanent Way Institution (PWI). According to UK Professional Engineering Competence Standard (UK-SPEC), students who obtain this certification partially meet the requirements for Chartered Engineer (CEng) in the UK and fully meet the requirements for Registered Engineering Technologist (IEng).

From 28th to 29th June, a JBM certification expert team composed of industry experts comprehensively reviewed the Joint School’s teaching facilities, experimental equipment, module and exam materials, and conducted interviews with teaching staff and students. The team highly praised the performance of the civil engineering program in the Joint School.

By Jessie LIU