Student Experience

LU Mowei, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Class of 2021
Date:2022-12-03   Edited By:SSO

LU Mowei, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Class of 2021

I am a SWJTU-Leeds Joint School in 2017, and take part in 2+2 program transfer to the University of Leeds in 2019. Now I have studied in Leeds for one year.

I am glad to take this opportunity to go to Leeds. The global platform has equipped me with talented thinking and comprehensive skills. I conduct my personal research regarding network handover following a professor. And I gain interview experiences from employability team and successfully get a summer internship in the UK. In addition, I join the School football team and train with good players all around world. Two years at Southwest Jiaotong University learning enhances my good English ability and wide professional knowledges. I believe I will paint my colorful pictures in next two years life in Leeds.